

There is no known estimate as to how many people bite their nails. Maybe this is because many people do so for periods of their life, but cease to do so later (nail biting has been found to be more common in teenagers, for instance). One thing is clear, however: Most people recognize that nail biting is not a desirable trait, some even go so far as to say the habit can prove dangerous.


It seems like every day that we have a patient make a comment or ask a question regarding the effectiveness of a dental cleaning. Whether this is someone marveling over how clean their teeth feel, wondering what makes our cleanings so different from their home care routine, or even doubting the treatment before it even begins, this mystery seems ever-present.


We’ve all been there: That dentist appointment you knew was coming up slipped your mind or didn’t quite get planned for correctly; whatever the case, you get that sinking feeling that comes with knowing you’re going to be late. What do you do? What happens? How does this influence the dentist’s office?

Today, we’ll take a look at this multi-sided issue that seems to be an unavoidable, ever-present component of the medical field.


How many things have dentists recommended to you in your life that didn’t involve brushing or flossing? Not many, right? Well, what if we were to tell you that sugar-free gum is recommended by most dentists - and not just as an alternative to sugared gums.


The term abscess is used to describe two distinctly different conditions in dentistry; it refers to either a periapical abscess in the tooth or a periodontal abscess along the gumline. Today, we’ll discuss some general abscess information, especially regarding the sudden pimple-like growth on the gumline that is a telltale indicator of a periodontal abscess.


While there is certainly overlap between the foods that are best and healthiest for your teeth and those that are just generally good for you, there are a few exceptions. Today, we’ll give you a few examples of tooth-healthy foods, explain the “why” behind them, and even tell you how some otherwise healthy foods can be somewhat tooth damaging.


In our previous blog, we talked about how to use online reviews to find a new dentist for your family. But what do you do after you find that dentist? Online reviews or a tip from a friend isn’t enough to ensure that the office you’ve chosen is actually right for you – you’ll need to do just a little more digging.


The so-called “Age of Information” has some incredible benefits and tools to take advantage of. For instance, if you’re looking to use just about any service imaginable, you can now hop online and find out what people are saying about that business or service. This availability is changing the way that many people connect with businesses and services in their area – even in healthcare.


If you keep up with our blog regularly, you’ll notice that we don’t communicate quite like most dentists. Maybe this comes from the fact that we see ourselves as a business second and patient resource first or maybe we just like being different. Either way, today we’ll do tell you something that very few dentists and patients talk about: It’s okay to get a second opinion.


One question we get all the time from patients in the Encino and Lake Balboa area is about their own insurance, especially those wondering exactly what their insurance covers. In today’s blog, our staff will teach you a few of the must-know things to read and consider about your current dental insurance policy, plus what to look for in any new coverage.


In our previous blog, we talked in-depth about the benefits that certain foods can provide your teeth; in reality, no food is entirely beneficial for your teeth, and only one beverage can claim that right: Drinking water.


One question we get asked all the time is about whether or not people should choose to use an electric toothbrush over their manual counterparts. At Balboa Victory Dental, we always strive to answer questions from our patients as thoroughly as possible, so here we go!


Recently, it has become popular to beat up on mouthwash, although many dentists and patients have already been questioning its effectiveness for years, but is there validity to the claims mouthwash supporters or deniers make? Should people use mouthwash, or is it better left off of the bathroom sink? Today, we’ll dive into it a bit!


Nobody wants to think of their teeth as breakable. For most of us, the thought alone is enough to give us a shudder. If you ever chip or crack a tooth, however, it is important that you know what to do, are prepared to take action, and, above all, don’t panic. Today, we’ll shed some light on what to do if you or a loved one damages a tooth.


If you’ve had to get a filling in the past few years, then you’ve almost certainly opted for a tooth-colored filling. These options aren’t exactly brand new, but recently have almost completely replaced any other type of filling material. Today, your trusted Encino dentists at Balboa Victory Dental will take a look at why this is and what it means for you.


We think of tooth staining and decay as a food-related issue, but really the things that we drink play just as much – if not even more – of a part in our oral health than the foods that we eat. Find out if your favorite drinks are actually destroying your teeth in today’s blog from Balboa Victory Dental, your trusted Encino dentists.


If you’re afraid of going to the dentist because of the potential costs you could incur, odds are you don’t have dental insurance – or the right dental insurance. If you’re wondering whether or not dental insurance is right for you and your family, we have some helpful information that could make the decision a little easier.


We’re sorry! For whatever image dentists have in your mind that cause you to feel concerned or worried about the dentist, we apologize. Now, we want to help make things right and see you coming in for regular dental check-ups and comfortably taking charge of your oral health.


It is obvious that good oral health can lead to clean teeth, free of debris, and healthy pink gums. Did you know that many researching dentists agree that poor oral hygiene can cause more severe problems than just tooth decay, gum disease, and bad breath? It can contribute to diseases that you’ve likely never even considered, such as:


If you haven’t heard of digital x-rays yet, that’s okay! Today, we’ll be going over the basics benefits digital x-rays hold over traditional x-rays in a bit of detail and what those benefits mean for you as a patient.


We hear a lot of talk about what 9 out of 10 dentists agree upon in advertisements and other branding messages that we get bombarded with on a daily basis, but what do dentists really want you to do when you aren’t sitting in their examination chair?


In our previous blog series, we talked extensively about the importance of Medi-Cal and Denti-Cal to the underserved found throughout LA, here in Encino and Lake Balboa specifically, as well as the rest of California; one major component to ensuring that Denti-Cal as well as insurance is effectively used is educating the public on how to properly find a dentist near them that accepts their form of payment.


California, Oregon, and Washington have reputations for being a bit more liberally-leaning than the rest of the country. With this comes a certain amount of acceptance in the efficacy behind governmental programs that extend healthcare privileges to the lower echelons of society. At Balboa Victory Dental Office, we are proud to offer dentistry services to patients within the Medi-Cal and Denti-Cal programs, as they align with our founding beliefs.


In our previous blog, we laid out a little bit of the basics surrounding Denti-Cal, California’s Medi-Cal assistance program through federal Medicaid. If you have any basic, fundamental questions about Medi-Cal or Denti-Cal, be sure to read that one before going on!

Today, we’ll dive a little more into the payment system built into Denti-Cal, and why that system benefits patients and dentists alike, especially when compared to other states in the nation.


The dentists at Balboa Victory Dental truly care about serving the local community – all of the community, that is – in Encino and Lake Balboa with high-quality dentistry. If you’re unsure how the Medi-Cal and Denti-Cal work or don’t yet understand what makes the system so far ahead of what is found throughout most of the country, read on for some simple explanations.


At just about every dentist’s appointment, you’ll receive a teeth cleaning. These cleanings help to remove unsightly and corroding plaque and tartar, but are meant to supplement your at-home brushing and oral health habits. Many of our Encino patients ask the dentist how to best brush their teeth or teach their children to do so, so we’ve decided to share a blog that outlines just that; you may be surprised to find some things in here you didn’t know.


If you’ve ever been coached for a job interview, performed in a theater, or even taken a speech class in school, you’ve likely been told ad nauseum to smile more. If you’re wondering what the big deal about smiling is, we’ve compiled the best reasons why you should feel confident in your smile – and use it!


As a leading dental office in Encino, Los Angeles, we frequently take questions about the necessity of regular dental checkups. Many people simply don’t understand the reasons behind the need for regular dentist appointments. Today, Balboa Victory Dental will share some of the key reasons that you and your family should always keep regular dentist appointments as a priority.


To dentists, this title sounds like the beginning of a lame joke, but to many other people, the connection may be a little hazy or unformed. Today’s blog from your local Encino dentist is focused on the relationship between ice cream and dentistry.


Traditionally, coffee has been looked at as a vice; many of us see coffee consumption as one of our bad habits and routinely express the guilt we feel while standing in line at the coffee shop. While there is no getting around the fact that coffee drinking can be an expensive habit, it may not be as bad for you as was once believed.


At Balboa Victory Dental Office, we take pride in keeping the smiles of our Encino patients clean and healthy. There is a lot we can do in our general dentistry practice to keep your teeth clean, but even visiting twice a year as prescribed adds up to a lot of time in between. The fact of the matter is, most of the responsibility for your oral hygiene rests squarely upon your own shoulders. While most people take the time to brush their teeth every day, what about flossing?


If you’ve ever been to the dentist, chances are you’ve heard the word “plaque” mentioned in relation to the cleaning of your teeth. You may even be aware that it can coat the surfaces of your teeth. But is it harmful? What is plaque, exactly? How can it be prevented or removed? Balboa Victory Dental Office wants all of our patients to understand all the various aspects of oral health and hygiene. To that end, here is a brief overview of what plaque is, what it does, and what you need to do to keep it from causing problems.


While technology has driven advances in all areas of medical study and treatment, it’s no wonder that the same has been true for desntistry and orthodontic care. What used to be a torturous gauntlet that adolescents were forced to endure as a rite of passage has become an easy and convenient experience compared with braces of the past. Balboa Vicotry’s Encino orthodontist Raphael Separzadeh uses Invisalign® for better results and satisfaction in his patients’ smiles.


In recent years there has been an explosion in the popularity of teeth whitening treatments. There are over-the-counter treatments and whitening programs offered by dentist offices such as Balboa Victory of Encino. Professional treatments can be performed in our office and at-home treatments can be prescribed. For most people, this is good news. Whitening your teeth has never been more convenient or effective. But for this same reason, many have the tendency to overuse their treatments, and the results can be painful.


The professional endodontists at Balboa Victory Dental Office want all of our clients to be at ease during their procedures. Sometimes this means that the less the patient knows, the better. Other patients, though, want to fully understand the procedure that is about to be performed. The very mention of the phrase “root canal” tends to make people uncomfortable, but perhaps understanding the procedure will alleviate some of the anxiety for anyone who may potentially need one done.


Did you know that the secret to a great smile is not just teeth? Your gums are also important!

Almost every day, I encounter patients complaining of gum bleeding and they want to know the reason. Sometimes, they relate bleeding to brushing or flossing hard, however, a healthy gum should not bleed.


Your teeth are one of your most valuable assets. They show satisfaction and create an aura of relaxation, that is warm and inviting. While we all know it is important to take care of your teeth, it is less known what causes damage to teeth. Fortunately, as the leading dentist in the Encino area, Balboa Victory Dental has put together the following tips to help you avoid damaging your pearly whites.


Hello new readers!

I am Dr. Narges Menalagha, and I am going to be posting blogs here that answer at least some of the questions and concerns that you may have about dentistry.

During my many years of practicing dentistry, I have encountered many questions and concerns from my patients, so I believe you will find these posts useful. And, of course, I am accessible if you have any additional questions or concerns that I may not have thought to include.


You want to take good care of your teeth! Your teeth are an important part of both your appearance and your well-being, and they play a vital role in your health and nutrition as well as your ability to talk and laugh. Unfortunately, there are many things that can lead to the decay of our teeth, and some are within our control and some are not. Our Encino dentist warns of these factors that can lead to tooth decay:


We all know that brushing your teeth is important to good oral health and it seems easy enough, but do you really know how to properly brush your teeth for maximum effectiveness? To help you stay on top of your oral health and help you avoid expensive surgeries, we have compiled a list of tips to properly care for your chompers.

3 Times A Day

While some people only brush their teeth once a day, the majority of people strive for a twice a day cleaning. While this is a good start to clean teeth, brushing three times a day is ideal for keeping your teeth bright, shiny, and healthy. Brushing is best after each meal, which is why we recommend this trifecta of oral health.

Brush Time

You got in and hit each side of your teeth with the...


Many people are surprised to learn that their teeth aren’t solid enamel. In fact, the enamel of your tooth is really only the top layer; there is a lot of other stuff going on inside your tooth, and our Encino endodontist specializes in working on the soft tissues inside your teeth. Let’s take a look at some of the layers of your teeth:

  • Enamel. This is the outermost layer and what gives our teeth their strength.
  • Dentine. This is a hard layer that lies under your enamel and is made up from a tough tissue.
  • Pulp cavity. A space inside of your tooth for soft tissues.
  • Root canal. The passage where your root and blood vessels run into your tooth.
  • Nerve & blood vessels. Like the rest of your...


We offer affirmed orthodontics that additionally offer conventional supports. We verify our environment is calm,relaxing and family arranged.



Trust Balboa Victory Dental Office for quality dental care for you and your family. We accept all major insurances for your convenience.


Check out the testimonials from our happy customers below


I had to get one of my wisdom teeth removed and I was a bit scared since I had not gone to the dentist in a long time, The staff was very nice and the doctor was amazing my tooth was out wit…Read More

Luiso, Van Nuys


Best Dentist ever. The staff was very professional. I was very pleased with the service I received from Narges. Their office was the cleanest and has the newest technology. I took my young s…Read More

Michellen, Encino


Very professional! I had the greatest exam, X-rays, and cleaning. The dentist had a very detailed consultation with wonderful suggestions for me. I will be back and my family and friends, as…Read More

Bernicek, Encino